Agroforestry, Crops and Legumes
Agroforestry, Crops and Legumes
Impuls Africa boasts an extensive and impactful track record with variety of agroforestry, legume and horticulture projects in Western, Eastern, Central and North Western Provinces. Each of these projects focused on all climate-smart production, enterprise development and formal market orientation, in which we provided significant technical assistance on producer group needs assessments, market assessments (both formal and informal), and capacity building and training.
Agroforestry and Cropping Past Performance:
Project Name: Increasing Resilience in Energy, Agriculture, and Entrepreneurship Systems
Client: Netherlands Development Organization – SNV Zambia
Funder: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Dates: 2021- Current
Under the "Increasing Resilience in Energy, Agriculture, and Entrepreneurship Systems – INCREASE" project, Impuls Africa established a network of 12 climate-smart demonstration sites, collaborated with 12 lead farmers and provided extension services to over 900 smallholder horticulture farmers, incorporating both tree crops and high-value vegetables under the production model. Impuls developed and implemented a comprehensive 16-day training course for program participants, emphasising sustainable production and best practices for climate resilience and further facilitated market offtake linkages with major supermarket chains and three mining companies.
Project Name: Enterprise Development and Growth Enhanced – EDGE
Client: USAID
Funder: USAID
Dates: 2023 - Current
Impuls Africa works with formal market off-takers and 46 woman-producer groups (1809 registered growers) to solidify long-term market linkages and foster growth opportunities for female farmers. The program focuses on the legume, cereal, horticulture and poultry value chains across Mumbwa and Shibuyinji areas in Central Province.
Project Name: Enterprise Development and Growth Enhanced – EDGE
Client: Agova
Funder: USAID
Dates: 2021- 2022
Impuls Africa played a pivotal role in the "Enterprise Development and Growth Enhanced – EDGE" project for AGOVA, funded by USAID, but conducting a Needs Assessment with 150 SMEs in the horticulture value chain, which led to development of key interventions to address capacity gaps. Impuls subsequently facilitated market research and provided technical assistance, including training in horticulture production and food safety for over 112 SMEs.
Project Name: Food Enterprises for a Developed Zambia – Zambia FED
Client: TechnoServe
Funder: SIDA
Dates: 2021-2022
Impuls Africa conducted a trainer-of-trainers course targeting lead farmers, and also organized a sector-wide training for 300 smallholder horticulture farmers. The approach included lead farmer identification and selection, training area establishment, farmer selection, and training session monitoring in the Solwezi, Mutanda, and Kalumbila are of North Western Province.
Project Name: Improving self-reliance of refugees and host communities in Maheba & Mayukwayukwa
Client: Caritas Czech Republic
Funder: Caritas
Dates: 2020
Impuls Africa conducted targeted training for smallholder farmers in these two refugee camps, emphasizing sustainable vegetable production, climate-resilient practices, and pasture development. Demonstrating a hands-on approach, Impuls Africa established two demonstration plots, tailored to climate-smart agricultural principles.
Other past projects:
Musika/BRC: 2022: Trained 1700 smallholders and youth from Shesheke, Sioma, Senanaga, Mongu and Kaoma on horticulture production.
Czech Development Agency: 2018/2019: Trained smallholder farmers from Senanaga, Sioma and Nalolo districts on legume production, horticulture, drip irrigation and seedling production.
Barotse Ranching and Cropping (BRC): 2018-2023 – Impuls played a founding role in the establishment of the first and largest commercial farming operation to grow crops like onion, potato, butternuts and pumpkins for Shoprite and the DRC export market.